
Category : Brand Speak

exterior house colours

Picking exterior paint colours can be terrifying for many. If you choose the wrong colours, your house might seem flat and boring, but if you choose colours that are too bold, your house might overwhelm the architectural details or just be an eyesore for the neighbours. But if you do get the right exterior house colours, the rewards are substantial. Choosing the perfect exterior house colours and trim combinations can add value and aesthetics to your home.

Plaster, chunna, chemical solution– most of us have tried some or all of these water leakage solutions over the years only to find dampness seep back in our home walls. Alas! But ever wondered why? These solutions, while may offer temporary relief, have limited protection against dampness because it is only a film between the plaster and the paint. If the wall has dampness coming from a source which is not diagnosed and fixed, then the effects of leakage will soon reappear.