By simply following these tips, you can enhance the life of your paint job. Read on!
Renting a house in India can be tiresome. More often than not, in the grand scheme of things, we tend to overlook the basics. This blog will help make the process much easier altogether.
Why do most people get only 2-3 years of fresh wall paint before it starts to crack and peel, but some enjoy long-lasting freshness? When it comes to house paint colours, the deciding factors are far more complex.
Do you want flawless interior and exterior wall paint – that lasts for years? Then let’s go over the main factors.
Read this blog to learn smart home design ideas and practical ways to ensure that your safety is never compromised within the four walls.
Repairing and waterproofing terraces can be a long, painful process. This blog will help you learn how to tackle it with the help of scientific waterproofing solutions- Berger Home Shield.
The monsoon season is particularly unique in our part of the world. India faces months of lashing winds and torrential rains, with continual wetness and dampness. This brings a set of unique problems for homeowners- leaks, peeling paint, foul odour, damage, pests are a common sight. Your home is a safe haven that protects you from the dangers of the world, regular upkeep is all the more important, especially during unforgiving Indian monsoons.