
Tag Archives: home decor

Being stuck at home for the foreseeable future was not something most of us envisioned at the beginning of the year. Our summer plans are on hold indefinitely and we have been advised to stay at home until the pandemic is in control. During this time, our home, our four walls protect us from the dangers of the world and keep us safe. Within these walls, we must work, exercise, feed and entertain ourselves, teach our children and then feel relaxed enough to fall asleep at night, only to do the same thing the next day. If we don’t adapt our living spaces to fit this new reality, we could start feeling trapped. If being homebound is making you feel bored, frustrated and anxious, or if you are looking to do something, stay positive while staying in with these tips to keep your spirits up and home in order.

Interior Decor with Furniture

Buying your first home is one of the biggest life decisions. It can be equal parts exciting and terrifying to be the owner of your first home. After you have made a life-changing decision, picking an area, figuring out your finances, finding a suitable house to meet your family’s requirements and preparing for a move can be overwhelming.

Modern Diy Desk Made Wooden Boxes

Keeping things organised is always challenging, whether you live in a bungalow or one-bedroom apartment. It is a universal truth that an organised space can boost productivity and also induce feelings of happiness. An organised home helps reduce stress-levels since you know where exactly to look and don’t end up searching high and low for keys, remote or that hand cream you received last Christmas that you swore you still had.

White Paint for Wall

If you have browsed Pinterest or Instagram recently and ‘trendy home décor’ is on your list of interests, you must have definitely stumbled upon all white Scandinavian style home décor. An all-time favourite for interior designers and architects alike, a coat of white paint can be the most striking and versatile backdrop. While the naysayers might say decorating with white is boring and drab, we think it is far from the truth. White is a vibrant colour that offers an endless number of decorating possibilities.

Stay Home

If you have been indoors for days and weeks amid the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not alone. Things might seem like they are getting chaotic and you may be feeling bored and unproductive. To interrupt the infection curve and contain the spread of the virus, it is important for you to stay at home and practice social distancing.

design inspiration photos

There are 291 million monthly active users on Pinterest. Imagine how influential this platform can be. Each month, professionals, amateurs and enthusiasts come to Pinterest to discover ideas they love. They pin and re-pin all their favourite design inspiration photos, recipes, crafts and more. We come to know that an idea is trending by looking at what all those people are searching for. If an idea keeps getting more and more searches every month, then we call it a trend.

You know the feeling when you first time walk into a house and something isn’t right? The curtains and furniture match, ceiling and flooring is just classy, but the overall appearance feels chaotic or piecemeal? Mostly, the feeling is due to the inappropriate colour scheme. When constructing a new home or remodeling the existing one, without a colour palette plan to work from, your home can wind up feeling haphazard.