OUT-Standing Décor

Since patios and balconies aren't the roomiest of spaces, they tend to look overcrowded. Follow these simple tips and tricks to ensure yours is a comfortable yet stylish haven ready for some company.

  1. Wrought Iron Furniture
    If you're thinking about a seating arrangement for the great outdoors, the furniture has higher chances of being affected by the elements. Thus, maintaining wrought furniture is more convenient than wooden furniture since it can be wiped clean easily and is extremely durable.

  2. Patio Perfect
    Patios are fantastic spaces for the family to gather and enjoy a beverage while socializing. If you happen to have a shaded patio, you can opt for a settee with brightly covered cushions and throws. Add to the cosiness by placing a broad, low table and some individual seats. You can invest in a small chandelier or some corner lamps to complete the picture.
  3. Reflect the Sunshine
    One would want an outdoor living design idea that is pleasant and inviting. For this, try and pick warm colours for your patio/balcony furniture. If the base is painted white, one can go for milder shades of warm colours such as mints and ocean blues. A hugely popular shade is citrine, which pairs wonderfully with shades of brown.

  4. Blooms & Blossoms
    An important factor in making outdoor seating eye-catching is the greenery that surrounds it. You may not be able to have bougainvillea artfully twisting around the patio pillars, but you can have small potted plants to add the quintessential green touch! Delicate blooms in artful vases or flowering plants grouped in bunches look delightful and lend a whole new dimension to your seating arrangement.

So buck up! Go ahead and get to work now so you can enjoy the summer in style!


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New Décor for an Older Home

With every few decades, the appearance of new styles of living and new architectural styles emerge to best suit the mood of...

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Décor and Design for YourRanch Style Home

New Décor for an Older Home

Even though sky rises seem like the word of the century, when it comes to houses, some people are too much in love with their homes built in the colonial age or even earlier to let go of it or have it redeveloped into something more modern.

While these deep-rooted structures are undeniably gorgeous; the overarching ceilings, panelled walls and brick lay work often clash with a décor style that is more up to date and new. But then overhauling all your furniture is a costly and time consuming affair so we have compiled a list of guidelines and basic home decorating ideas just for you.

  1. Consider the Era
    When buying furniture for the house, there are many times we don't consider if the styles of the article and the space are cohesive. If your home was built in a Victorian style of architecture, then buying an Art-Deco cutlery cupboard won't really go down too well. But if you do want to experiment and mix styles up, then we recommend going for sister styles, for example; Colonial-Tudor-Victorian, etc.

  2. Take your Time
    Decorating an empty space means you're either bursting full of ideas, or don't have a clue how to begin. Either way, if you start filling up the house with pieces before you're fully sure, there's a high chance you'll be really dissatisfied very soon with no way to change it. Visit local flea markets, shops, and first try to draw a rough plan of how you'd want the finished result to look like before proceeding.
  3. Size Matters
    Houses built earlier had the privilege of being roomy since the space-crunch of today didn't exist back in the day. As a result, they have high ceilings which give you a lot of room to work with on the walls. Consider statement pieces of artwork, tall bookcases, regal, high-backed chairs, or even chandeliers if you're really up for it.

  4. Symmetry
    When in doubt, go back to the classics, there's a reason they never go out of style! While symmetrical interiors are old fashioned, there is no reason why you cannot apply this holy grail of home decorating ideas to one or two parts or walls in the house. Symmetrical décor looks extremely elegant, roomy, and well thought out.

Your home is a reflection of you and these décor tips are sure to help you gain an overview with which to work towards, making your home the perfect balance of timelessness and modern comfort, with oodles of soul!


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With summer upon us, it is now difficult to just stay inside the house watching TV all day. But the outdoors can be a hassle if...

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OUT Standing Décor

With every few decades, the appearance of new styles of living and new architectural styles emerge to best suit the mood of...

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Décor and Design for YourRanch Style Home

Décor and Design for YourRanch-Style Home

In post war America in the 1950's, ranch homes were excessively popular for the ease, convenience and space they provided to families looking for good, quiet, suburban neighbourhoods. In India too, ranch homes are not an uncommon sight. In today's fast paced life, an increasing number of people yearn to return to the era of sprawling backyards, big, spacious homes, large windows and a simpler layout which are classic characteristics of a ranch-style house. Here are some décor tips so you can follow an outline of broad points to watch out for!

  1. Keep it Casual
    This style of house was meant to be a symbol of quieter, more peaceful times where families could live in harmony with nature, or they could visit over the weekends, if it is a holiday home, to recharge before returning back to the hustle and bustle of city life. Elaborate chandeliers, marble pillars, etc. seem out of touch with the feel of the place. On the other hand, large French windows, light lacy curtains, and a collection of shrubs and plants all over is the way to go.

  2. Mix and Match
    Ranch style homes have wide layouts and one continuous décor trend running through the house's exterior may seem boring. When it comes to ranch design ideas, you'd rather opt for bright, cheerful nature-oriented décor elements with colours like yellow interspersed with stucco or stone walls to give a friendly, earthy vibe.
  3. Landscape
    The best part about ranch-styled houses is the space that comes with it. You can choose to keep a neat, trimmed garden with maybe a tree or two but if you have the time, nothing beats the appeal of a symmetrical, well planned landscape garden. Choose bushes and shrubs that flower prettily adding colour and life to the façade.

  4. Colours and Paintwork
    Of all our ranch painting design ideas, the most important one is remembering to keep it basic and simple. Don't over decorate as it will take away from the simple elegance of a ranch home. You can choose an all-white exterior to highlight the abundance of clean lines and space, or you can choose a bold blue paint with the doors, windows and trim being a subdued, contrasting colour.

Your home is a place where you and your family can be at peace and let go of the world outside. We hope that these tips and tricks will make your ranch style home your haven too!


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OUT Standing Décor

With all the high-rises in the city, there are still some who prefer their vintage and classic homes. How does one find...

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New Décor for an Older Home