Feng Shui For April 2018

Feng Shui for the Athletic Child

There is a good chance that your athletic child spends considerable amount of time in their bedroom, especially if the child is a teenager. This is why some Feng Shui principles should be applied to this area of the home, and the energy that flows through the child's life should be maximized.

You need to keep out as much interference as possible from the room such as electrical and digital items in order to increase the child's fitness levels. Keep all electrical items as far away from the child's bed as possible. Don't pick metal furniture for the room as it is a natural outlet for electricity. Avoid using mirrors in the bedroom as it can have a negative influence on the child's health.

Dealing with Sports Equipment

Don't let your child store his or her sports equipment in the bedroom. Arrange for an alternate storage space within the home. Equipment that is used in competitive sports such as softball, baseball, basketball and so on can bring an element of negativity to the space which can in turn make the child overly competitive. This also includes storing items for sports beneath the bed, which brings negative vibe to the space, disrupting the flow of chi.

Add some greenery to your child's bedroom to encourage the flow of good health within the home, not just for the child, but for all of the home's occupants. Pick shades of sunny yellow or other yellow hues, as well as earthy colours for the centre of the home. In the home's centre, don't display tree-shaped objects, house plants that resemble trees, pictures, prints or other wall art that features trees as it can move energy upward within a space, causing the earth elements to be uprooted. This can have a detrimental effect on your child's health and fitness.

These are some pointers to remember when you decorate your child's room. Hope you find this article informative and useful!


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Reiki For April 2018

Reiki for Asthma!

Asthma usually develops during childhood and is most often hereditary. However, it frequently clears up, or at least decreases in severity, once the adult years commence. It can suddenly develop in adults who have no prior experience of the ailment.

For those suffering from Asthma, there is help in several forms, one of which is Reiki. It is a natural energy healing mechanism for Asthma. It heals the disorder by balancing the subtle energies within the body with the help of universal life energy. It is believed to cure almost all ailments over a period of time either directly by providing enough energy for healing, or by bringing the patient in touch with someone who is capable of healing.

All ailments are due to mental and emotional imbalances, and many times, the manifestation of a disease is a result of long-term mental or emotional turbulences, or simply unlearned lessons. One of the underlying causes of Asthma is known to be anxiety and emotional stress. Reiki can be an extremely powerful tool to provide relief from that stress and bring down the severity and the frequency of Asthma attacks.

Reiki practitioners work with the Asthma patient by holding hands above the patient in 1 of 12 positions. This positioning provides energy to the patient's body. Interestingly, no physical pressure is applied over the patient's body.

The practitioner gets the energy by changing the hand positions and transferring it to the patient. Cho Ku Ray power symbol is the hand signal appropriate for Asthma. The practitioner is supposed to make this signal over the patient thrice and utter the words "Cho Ku Ray."

Reiki brings the body into emotional and spiritual balance, supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself.

These supportive therapies assist the body in functioning and responding appropriately and can help the patient feel better by relieving the misery associated with the ailment. Hope you found this article informative and useful.


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Vaastu For April 2018

Women and Vaastu

According to the principles of Vaastu, it is recommended that you sleep with the head towards the south for harmony in the different relationships that you have with people around you – as a daughter, mother, sister and wife. It is recommended that you avoid using the North-east bedroom and instead use the bedroom in the south. This is believed to bring peace and prosperity in the house. You should spend time in the east direction to feel upbeat and energetic if you are feeling drained out or lethargic. The North-East direction is believed to be very significant and a spiritually energized zone. If you like to meditate, this direction is suitable and you can practice breathing exercises facing this direction.

When it comes to home renovations and constructions, do not construct a toilet in the North-East and Center (Brahmasthan) of your home as it can bring ailments and sickness to residents. If you are planning on conceiving or going to conceive, avoid sleeping with your head towards the North or in the North-West. You should always sleep in the southern direction. If you suffer from sleep disorders, it is best to keep your head in the south. Defected South-East direction attracts health problems in women. It is a great idea to put a pleasant, happy family photograph in the South-west of the bedroom for healthier compatibility between couples. Keep a basil plant (Tulsi plant) and pearls in the North for prosperity and wealth.

The colour blue is believed to have cooling attributes, which is why a bulb emitting soft blue light is extremely soothing and highly recommended. You should use purple, violet and indigo for the walls of your room. It is best to avoid red colour in the bedroom.

The best way to reduce health problems related to your heart and the nervous system is by never using the space below the staircase for bathroom, pantry, toilet or even for storage of eatable and food grains.

Also, avoid bigger windows in South-West. Instead, keep bigger windows in the North for professional success if you are a working woman.

Hope you find this article handy and informative. Follow the mentioned Vaastu principles to make your life better!


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