Reiki for Pain Relief!
Pain is not simply a physical condition. There is an emotional aspect of pain that can’t simply be ignored. And when people start addressing the emotional side of the pain, it can help increase pain tolerance and decrease the perception of pain.

It is also often difficult to know whether chronic pain leads to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, or whether anxiety and depression lead to increased pain (or both). However, it is confirmed that there is a connection.
There have been many studies that have also shown that addressing the emotional and mental health aspect of pain can have a huge impact upon the perception of pain and the tolerance for pain. How can Reiki help, you ask?
Reiki is an energy transfer method that originated from Japan. It is believed to decrease pain perception by healing the emotional aspect of pain. Reiki is meant to resolve emotional distress by allowing healing energy to flow freely throughout the entire body, leading to relaxation and reduced pain throughout the body. It is also known to help bring down the levels of stress and anxiety, which can decrease pain perception as well.
You can also play some relaxing instrumental music, perfect to balance your body, mind and spirit, as you perform your self- treatments of Reiki at home.
One of the benefits of Reiki is that it can be performed on people who are in significant pain and are unable to be touched or to tolerate touch.
However, do remember that Reiki is used in healthcare as a complement to and can never be a substitute for your regular medical treatment and medications.
If you decide to try Reiki at the home, wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes in the first session. You will remain fully clothed through the entire process.
Do note that some people feel improvement from just one Reiki session while others require more treatments to see significant results.
Hope you find this article insightful! Try out Reiki at home to recover and gain relief from body pain.