Feng Shui For January 2018

Feng Shui Tips for 2018

Start off the New Year with some positive Feng Shui changes in your home or place of work to ensure that you and your loved ones will continue to be constantly surrounded with positive energy, harmony and good fortune.

The widely celebrated Lunar New Year falls on 16th February 2018 but as far as Classical Feng Shui is concerned the New Year starts with the first day of the Chinese Solar year which varies from 3rd to 5th of February every year. In 2018, the Chinese Solar Year begins on February 4th when the annual Feng Shui energy shift occurs, affecting the energy patterns of each and every building and its surroundings.

The best zones in 2018 are E (East) and SE (Southeast), because the energies of prosperity and favourable inter-human relationships are situated here. The advantage during the year 2018 is that these 2 favourable energies are next to each other, forming a larger beneficial zone. The common elements that support the 2 energies are wood and fire represented by green, light blue and red. It is recommended that you place active objects like TV, music, moving objects, wooden blinds, flower pots, wooden objects, candles or scented sticks. Keep the windows in S or SE clean and bright, without covering them with thick curtains.

The most unfavourable zone is S (South), which can bring bad luck and blockages. Avoid active objects like TV. SV (Southwest) is also affected by a negative energy, which can bring forth legal problems. Avoid keeping active objects in this zone. Placing bamboos in water is a good idea and the more bamboos, the better. The centre of the house has favourable energy, particularly for children. Ideally, the centre of the house should be bright, open and airy. Also, avoid placing the couch or the TV there.

Now that we have reviewed the challenging and ideal Feng Shui areas in the house for 2018, you can apply it to harness the potential of the year's energies. All the best!


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Reiki For January 2018

Gratitude and Reiki!

What is gratitude? Gratitude is a positive emotion and sincere appreciation in acknowledging a favour or benefit that one has received or will receive. It means observing simple pleasures, thankfulness, counting your blessings and acknowledging everything that you receive asked or unasked. When you express your gratitude, you share something special. Gratitude builds humility as we recognize a service, an act of kindness or caring from someone else.

If you are unable to focus on the blessings in your daily life, Reiki offers ways to do so. A Reiki Gratitude Treatment can help drive away your negative thought patterns and assist in the discovery of the grateful heart even in the midst of difficulties and turmoil. It can empower you and make it easier for you to perceive and choose gratitude each day.

When you think about your blessings and gifts and say thank you, your heart opens and your mind is positive and receptive. When you are grateful, it is much easier to have a creative mind, which makes it easier to manifest your dreams. If you think about all the bad events in your lives, you can spiral into negative circling thoughts. Needless to say 'mind garbage', blame, mind chatter, negativity and criticism can distract and stress you out, robbing you of a full and happy life.

It is just a matter of training your minds to think about your blessings, but you have to make a deliberate choice to see them. This can be a full-time job in the beginning, but as you develop positive mental habits, it is bound to become simpler.

Reiki and gratitude are powerful tools that can change your thoughts instantly the moment you focus on your blessings. A grateful heart is one of the fastest ways to take care of negative thoughts, mind chatter and unwanted perceptions.

Remember to have an attitude of gratitude both before starting and ending self-Reiki healing. Just chant "I am thankful to the universal energy "during the self-healing Reiki process to develop a positive attitude and appreciate more.

Hope you find this article useful!


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Vaastu For January 2018

house painting design image

Start the New Year on a Positive Note with Useful Vaastu Tips

  1. Water with Flowers
    Water denotes wealth, which is why the water element should flow inwards as it depicts that the wealth also flow towards you. Keep a bowl filled with water, lemon or flowers facing the main door as it is considered auspicious. However, remember to change the water regularly.
  2. Small Lamp/ Flower Vase
    Place a small lamp or a flower vase in the centre of your hallway as it has a welcoming energy into your home.
  3. Convex Mirror
    Place a convex mirror on the outer wall of the entrance facing outwards for protection from negative energy.
  4. Mirror at the main entrance prohibited
    A mirror that faces the main door is one of the major hindrances to any home. This is because a mirror facing the main door pushes away all the good energy that can enter the house.
  5. Buddha at the Main Entrance
    Buddha that faces the front door is considered to keep the negative energies out of the home. Buddha has power to nullify the negative impacts at the house.
  6. Bowl filled with Sea Salts
    Salt is considered a symbol of purification. It is also a popular mineral known to purify and cleanse homes that are filled with negative energy. Sea salt is commonly used to get rid of negative energy and to allow balanced flow of energy inside the home.
  7. Family photos
    Place at least one happy family picture in your living room. If there is enough space, try to include as many happy photos of you and your family members in the room as possible.
  8. Dining space never at the front
    Ensure that your dining space or hall is never at the front of the house and naturally exposed to everyone.

Hope you build a Vaastu-friendly environment in your home with these pointers and attract positive changes to your luck in the upcoming year!


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