Finding A Job With The Help Of Feng Shui!

Before we start on how Feng Shui can help with your job search, understand that simply hanging chimes will not yield any result. Feng Shui should be used only in addition to your efforts in job search. So let’s begin!
Hang a big map of the world in the North Feng Shui bagua area of your living space as it is believed to bring clarity to your career path.
Display images of people who you look up to and aspire to be like. Hang the images in the North area of your bagua as it is connected to the flow of energy in your career life, also called Path in Life. It can be displayed even in the Northwest Feng Shui bagua area called the Helpful People and Blessings area. This Feng Shui area needs to be well-activated when you are looking for a career change.
Showcase a metal Feng Shui element art or items in the Northwest bagua area, be it a metal bowl, a metal bell or an important photo in a metal frame.
A mirror or a water feature in the North Feng Shui bagua area is also a great idea. When it comes to colours, the addition of decor pieces in black and blue colour is also a wonderful choice.
Remember to focus on the Money and Abundance area as you are strengthening the career area of your Bagua.
Figure out your Kua Number and activate your direction for success.
Make sure that the front door of your house is not blocked, and that your closets are not overstuffed with clothes. Check that you have open space under your bed and very little clutter in your home, especially in your bedroom.
Last but not the least, be positive and do not doubt that you will get the job you deserve. Visualise it often in your mind's eye and take care of your own energy by eating well, exercising regularly and spending time in a good Feng Shui environment. Keep an optimistic attitude and we are sure you will get the job you deserve. Here’s wishing you all the best in your job search. Good luck!