What’s Your Lucky Colour For 2021?

white and brown living room decor and walls

Colours we paint our nails or homes to tell a lot about our moods and personalities. Some colours are known to bring good fortune. Do you have a lucky colour that always brings you good luck every time you wear it or are surrounded by it? If not, take up this quick (<2 mins) quiz and find out your lucky colour for 2021.

Which country do you like the best?
  • A) Australia
  • B) France
  • C) Japan
What’s your dream for 2021?
  • A) Travel
  • B) Earn more money
  • C) Find love
Which words describes you the best?
  • A) Motivated
  • B) Artistic
  • C) Spontaneous
What are your new year resolutions?
  • A) Save money
  • B) Learn new hobbies
  • C) Get fit
Which is closest to your lucky number?
  • A) 2
  • B) 32
  • C) 56
Colours you are most drawn to?
  • A) Natural colours
  • B) Pastel colours
  • C) Bright colours
What do you like the most?
  • A) Savoury
  • B) Sweet
  • C) Spicy
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