Walls are an important part of our life. Why? Because, we're more often surrounded by them than not!
According to Vaastu, the colour of your walls can impact your life. Ever wondered why hospital walls are green? It's because green is believed to have healing properties. Likewise, ceilings should be white, as white emits vibrations of peace and positivity.
When it comes to bedrooms and personal spaces, the use of light colours on walls is advised. Lighter shades of blue, green, pink, lavender, ivory, etc., help maintaining the room's tranquillity, thus encouraging calm behaviour and restful sleep.
Pink is especially considered an auspicious colour for one's bedroom walls because it symbolizes joy and happiness, add some accentuating colours like light shades of green and blue, as these are believed to be the colours of hope and serenity, respectively. Although, in the case of children, green is recommended as the colour green encourages rejuvenation and growth, and is known for heightening concentration.