Using Feng Shui for Good Health

One of the best ways to ensure your health is protected is to know your health luck direction and make use of it. Each sector (compass direction) has a type of luck assigned to it. You can find out your personal health luck direction by using the eight mansions kua formula. With the help of this method, you can calculate and know the auspicious and inauspicious sectors in your home.
Once you know your lucky direction, lie on the bed with your head pointing in this direction. If your health direction is north, then you should sleep with your head in the north direction and feet pointing the south.
Get rid of clutter since it can contribute to illness. It makes the chi energy stagnant, preventing fresh powerful chi energy from moving through the living space. The flow of chi can affect all those who live in the house, including pets. Remember that the rule of de-cluttering your bedroom applies to all other rooms too, especially the kitchen and bathroom. Your health luck will show signs of improvement when you de-clutter all rooms of your home.
East is the direction for the bagua sector of health. The east sector element is wood. You can boost this sector by using wooden furniture, flooring and objects. Incorporate colours like brown and green in your home décor using wall shades, drapes, upholstery, rugs and pillows.
Add healthy green plants in the east and/or southeast sectors of your home for good health. Opt for plants that have oblong or round leaves. Avoid plants in the bedroom as it can cause sleeplessness. Also, stay away from plants that have sharp or pointy leaves. It is important that you take good care of the plants by watering them regularly, removing any dead leaves and providing the right amount of sunlight. Don’t let dust accumulate as it can stop the flow of chi energy. You can incorporate many Feng Shui symbols like koi fish, deer, cranes, turtles and three-legged frogs in the west or northwest sectors of your garden for health and longevity.
Incorporate these easy Feng Shui cures that can significantly enhance your health.