What’s Your Quarantine Personality?

white and brown living room decor and walls

Have you got hundreds of projects on your to-do list or are you just chilling and waiting for this all to get over with? Find out your quarantine personality with this quiz:

Pick a quarantine hobby
  • A) Sleeping
  • B) Cooking
  • C) Playing Ludo
Describe your lockdown experience in one word
  • A) Boring
  • B) Comfortable
  • C) Troubled
Pick your strongest weapon against the virus
  • A) Social distancing
  • B) Hand sanitiser
  • C) Face mask
Your choice of beverage during the lockdown
  • A) Relaxing tea
  • B) Dalgona coffee
  • C) Iced tea
How many movies have you watched since on a lockdown?
  • A) 3-5
  • B) 5-8
  • C) I lost count
You are daydreaming about your trip to...
  • A) Local travel destination
  • B) Japan
  • C) Paris
The first thing you wish to do once quarantine is over?
  • A) Spend more time with your significant other
  • B) Travel!
  • C) Host a sleepover with your friends
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