Colours play a vital role in the way Feng Shui works. Each shade enhances the energy flow and brings along positivity and prosperity for every family member. Therefore, knowing the importance and using colours in your home based on how you respond to their energy is a crucial part of the process.
Colours bring along certain energy, which sometimes is not suitable for you. Like for example, use of reds or hot colours in the living room may add to your stress. At the same time, using too much blue can end up feeling cold and uninviting. Therefore, to understand this, here's a quick-fix guide on the five elements of Feng Shui and the associated colours that draw specific energies:
Red is associated with fire, which supports life energy. It is known to increase one's heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It also can promote activity and alleviate depression.
Blue and black is associated with water energy and helps promote creativity. Blue can slow the heart and breathing rates and lower blood pressure. It can also be used to increase coolness, to calm and to create privacy.
Green is associated with wood energy, the energy of growth, decisiveness and action. It inspires change.
Yellow is associated with earth energy, representing Mother Earth. It can cheer, give hope, clarify and elevate mental activity. It also creates a sense of stability and nurturing. Yellow is often used to help children with dyslexia improve their focus.
White and metallic colours are associated with metal energy. They support focus as well as purity.