Reiki Tips to Handle Depression during Isolation
If you are one of the many individuals out there suffering from depression or negative feelings owing to isolation during the pandemic, you don’t have to live with it. You can make use of Reiki and get yourself back on track and gain self control.
To those who are fairly new to the concept of Reiki, let us quickly take you through how it can help. Reiki provides 5 basic principles to remove negativity, anger, worry and unfounded fears. Reiki encourages healthy living which in turn balances the body and balances the soul. It places you back in touch with your divine spark, your purpose and your true being. It shows you what your depression has been trying to show you all along. It connects you with other people who are loving, caring and understanding. It pulls away from that black blanket of depression and through its practices and teaching gives you new insight into a world of unthinkable possibilities. Now that you are better aware of the power of Reiki, let’s get started.
Two Reiki symbols are used in this exercise, Cho Ku Rei, and Sei He Ki.Cho Ku Rei is a symbol that is intended to increase or expand energy while Sei He Ki symbol is mainly used for maintaining balance and harmony.
Please make sure that you know how they are drawn before you begin the exercise. If you start crying during this exercise, don’t try to hold back. Allow yourself to cry because this is a great form of healing.
Find yourself a quiet space and make sure that you will not be disturbed for at least 20 - 30 minutes. Start by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly. Begin breathing in deeply through your nose, right into your belly and holding for a second, then breathing out through your mouth as hard as you can, as though you were breathing out every unpleasant experience that you had ever had. Repeat this several times or until you have no more need to. You will know when it feels right to stop and breathe normally again.
Now if you have drawn the symbols on a piece of paper, take up the piece of paper and lightly trace over Cho Ku Re and then Sei He Ki and then Cho Ku Rei again.
Speak the following line outloud “I am surrounded by Divine golden light, I am protected, healed and I have divine insight.”
Repeat this three times and then once you are finished, close your eyes and feel the experience, allow it to rest in you until you feel ready to stand and continue with your day.
Practise this exercise to reap the benefits of Reiki at the home. And always keep in mind thattough times don’t last, tough people do.