Reiki Chakras and Colours!
Colours and Reiki go hand in hand. During a Reiki session, people often see beautiful colours which most likely determine their healing process. As always, colours play an important role in this process as each colour has a deep meaning to it.
The colours themselves are an indication that one is letting go and is aware of the energy flowing through their body. These colours relate to the” Chakras” which are the energy centres of the body.
There are 7 Chakras, each with a reiki chakra color. Let’s delve right into it.
Violet (Crown)
Violet is associated with power, both earthly and spiritual. When these colours are seen, it indicates detachment from problems and stress and spiritual consciousness.
Indigo (Third eye)
Indigo is associated with psychic ability. In healing, Indigo is used for promoting wisdom, vision and reassurance.
Sky blue (Throat)
Sky Blue is the colour of spirituality, inspiration and inner peace. This colour heals by promoting self-expression and communication. It helps to calm and cool down the body, both physically and mentally.
Green (Heart)
It is quite common to link red with the heart, however in Reiki, green is the colour that heals. Green signifies balance and peace and when the body is being healed, it invokes the deep feelings and emotions that are embedded in the heart.
Yellow (Solar Plexus)
Yellow symbolises intellect, creativity, happiness and the power of persuasion. In healing, use yellow to promote clarity of thought and to reflect upon the purpose of life and the action one takes.
Orange (Sacral)
Orange symbolises the individual’s relationship to the external world, with regards to his or her wants and their satisfaction. When a person is being healed, it enhances the relationship of one to himself and others.
Red (Base)
Red symbolises energy, strength, courage, creativity, warmth and security. In healing, it helps a person retrieve stability in life.
Hence, we can see how colours can greatly be used in Reiki.
To conclude, “A colour a day keeps the doctor away, So colour yourself healthy, wealthy and wise.”
—Lilian Verner Bonds