Experience The Magic Of Reiki On PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious condition that thousands of people suffer from all over the world. It is caused due to a wide variety of sources and the trauma can stem from several different events in an individual's life. The most severe triggers are natural disasters, sudden illnesses, death of loved ones and domestic violence, which can cause deep wounds and leave behind ugly mental scars.
The person going through the trauma is stuck in a cycle of stress responses known as 'fight or flight' responses. The initial shock and trauma of the original event keeps getting replayed in the mind, training the body to panic over and over again, long after the real threat is gone. PTSD results in an injury of the soul and the spirit of the sufferer. This can have a long term impact on the body and mind of the individual.
Without proper and timely treatment, the anxiety disorder can manifest itself in prolonged bouts of depression, anger management issues, sleeplessness and an inability to focus. These emotional and physical symptoms can interfere greatly in a one's daily life, resulting in the loss of support from friends and family and sometimes even the loss of one's career.
Reiki is believed to calm and restore the spirit, often times bringing healing to old, buried wounds of the PTSD victim. It has proven to be an effective tool in healing PTSD because it is safe, gentle, and non-invasive. Regular sessions of Reiki can work wonders and help the body get 'un-stuck'. Individuals suffering from PTSD can move forward on a path of natural healing with its help.
If you are wondering how to help individuals suffering from PTSD reap the benefits of Reiki, giving them traditional Reiki treatment from a certified professional can be beneficial. It can bring about overall physical healing, improving the mood and outlook of the sufferer. Patients who have undergone Reiki therapy have benefitted greatly from it and they have positively reported reduced addictions, improved sleep quality, pain relief and increased energy. If you feel unsure about going to a professional, it's simple and easy to begin on your own – you can also read more about the basics of Reiki here and how to begin your own Reiki sessions.
We hope you find this article insightful and it helps change lives for the better! Learn all about the power of healing crystals used during Reiki sessions from this article: https://www.bergerpaints.com/colour-magazine/march/2017/colours-and-ancient-sciences/reiki/