Reiki music for the soul.

A Reiki session of music helps clear the mind and body. Reiki music combines Tibetan bells and singing bowls that are used to accent the subtle sounds of the harp, acoustic guitar, violin, viola and sometimes a flute or piano.
Reiki music can help raise the practitioner's consciousness. It can raise your sense of awareness. Occasionally there may be a chant in a song but for the most part it is all instrumental.
Reiki music helps one go deeper into consciousness. It also helps you stay focused and stay in the moment.

Don’t consider any music as Reiki Music. You must be clear about some specific aspects that will determinate that the track is valid for this therapy or not. Reiki music is a complementary tool to improve the effectiveness of the main therapeutic resource.
Not all music is Reiki music. Some chanted songs and Mantras that are usually relaxing may not work as Reiki music. The best idea is using music with natural sounds, Tibetan bowls, didgeridoos or even better, with Japanese and Eastern-Asia instruments. Keep playing it at a low/moderate volume and with stereo-speaker if possible.
Types of Reiki music:
Tracks with birds and wind sounds will work great to heal the Fourth Chakra and peace of mind.
Wave sounds and water drums/sticks are very useful to work on the Second Chakra and the expression of the emotions and feelings.
Music with soft drums and didgeridoos are commonly associated to healing of the First Chakra.
Avoid repeated tracks during a Reiki session. Use more tracks so you won’t get bored. In case you practice Auto-Reiki, the mind could develop resistance to the same music.
How does it help?
Most of the Reiki music uses sounds and instruments related to the origin of the universe and nature, thereby bringing you closer to your spirit and original identity, which is the base for real happiness.
Meditating with Reiki music helps you remember that emotions are just physical reactions that help us to react efficiently and they are not meant to control our mind.
By healing the above dimensions, Reiki music may have a direct physical effect on the body.