Reiki to clear your space

Pay attention and focus your intention on clearing the space you are in. Take a few cleansing deep breaths and visualise yourself first as grounded to the earth’s core and then also lifted to the galaxy’s centre.
When you find the balance and the movement between the two, continue. If you don’t sense the alignment, then practice this stage until you are ready to move on, maybe on some other day. Breathe and imagine that your breath is extending to your body’s edges. Breathe again and imagine that your breath is extended in the shape of a bubble a few inches away further from your body. If you find this tough, you can simply focus on inhalation and exhalation of your breathing.
Imagine that you are in a safe zone, a bubble, created in your mind and carried by your breath. This visualisation is very valuable so make sure to not skip this step.
Imagine that the space you are in has a persona of a guest. Introduce yourself; be warm and candid in this space.
Imagine you are meeting the caretaker of the space and explain your good intentions of clearing the space. Instead of imposing your own idea of the caretaker, wait for an image to appear in response to your question.
Make way for the clearest, purest and the highest vibration Reiki energy to flow through you into the space. Use your intuition to guide you to areas that have a particularly negative or sticky feeling. Send both your intentions and the clear energy of Reiki to fill this space.
Transfer Reiki through your hands to every wall, floor and ceiling. You can begin to integrate Reiki symbols with advanced learning of Reiki.
It is particularly helpful to imagine the energy flowing in blue colour, but other colours may come to you, and that is alright. End your Reiki session properly by brushing down, flicking away and cutting cords, which means to reclaim your energy.
Once done, fill up the space with clear and positive sound. You can try a melodious instrument or a bell, or even chant or sing a song.
These are the steps to follow Reiki at the home, clear the space and infuse positive energy.