Reiki Chakra, Colours and Food!

In Reiki, there are seven main Chakras where the important glands of our body from head to toe are located. Here are some foods according to reiki chakra colours that you should include in your diet to activate each Chakra in the body.
Crown Chakra, Colour: Violet, Food: Blackberry
The Crown Chakra is located on our head and is governed by the colour violet. This Chakra is believed to help develop our spiritual side. According to Reiki, we should be eating similar-coloured food as per the Chakras. For this particular chakra, you should consume more brinjal or Indian Blackberry (Jamun).
Third Eye Chakra, Colour: Indigo, Food: Blueberry
Under the Crown Chakra is the Brow Chakra, which is in between both the eyebrows. This Chakra is also known as the Third Eye Chakra. It helps in meditation and in planning for future events. This Chakra’s colour is Indigo. Hence, eating blueberry helps to activate this Chakra.
Throat Chakra, Colour: Sky Blue, Food: Blueberry
Throat Chakra is situated at the joint of our throat and the colour that activates this particular chakra is light blue. This Chakra can help you enhance your communication skills. Eat more blueberry to activate this Chakra.
Heart Chakra, Colour: Green, Food: Green vegetables
The Heart Chakra is located right below the throat and is governed by the colour green. Consuming green veggies such as cucumber, spinach, coriander, mint and lady’s finger can work wonders for this Chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra and Sacral Chakra, Colour: Yellow, Orange, Food: Lemon, Papaya
According to Reiki, the Solar Plexus Chakra is situated about two fingers right above the navel. The colour yellow governs this chakra. As for its location, if you place two fingers under the navel, that is where you will find it. It is governed by the colour orange. Both the chakras control the lungs and digestive system. Include musk melon and papaya in your regular diet to activate both these chakras.
Root Chakra, Colour: Red, Food: Carrot, Watermelon, Tomato
Root Chakra also known as the Base Chakra is ruled by the colour red. This chakra revolves around women’s health issues such as menstruation and PCOD alongwith men’s overall health. Consume a diet that includes red-coloured fruits and veggies such as strawberry, carrot, cherry, watermelon and tomato.
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