Feng Shui To Nourish Your Living Space!

Feng Shui has evolved in Chinese culture for over a thousand years. It is a great idea to subtly incorporate the five Feng Shui elements in your living space for peace and harmony. Without any further delay, let’s dive right in to learn how.

To begin with, is the Feng Shui Water element. As the symbol of abundance, prosperity and income, the water element is extremely important when it comes to Feng Shui. Incorporate it in areas such as East, Southeast and North. It can be expressed in colours blue and black through water fountain, images of water, mirrors, and decor items in shades of ocean blue.

Next, let’s look at the Feng Shui Earth Element. You can create more calm in your home using motifs from Feng Shui Earth element using crystals and stones, pottery, as well as images of earthy landscapes, placing them in Southwest and Northeast areas of the house.

Next is the Feng Shui Wood element. It is best expressed in colours green and brown and rectangular shapes. One of the easiest ways to bring the Wood Feng Shui element into your home is with lush, healthy plants. Nourish and strengthen your Wood Feng Shui element in the East, Southeast and South direction of the house.

Moving on, let’s look at the Feng Shui Fire element. You can easily bring a strong Feng Shui Fire element presence into your home in the South, Southwest, Northeast direction. It is best expressed in colours red, orange, purple, yellow, pink and magenta. Ideas for home decor are star and triangular-shaped items and actual fire decor items like candles skillfully placed.

Finally, let’s look at the most overused or misused element of Feng Shui, which is the Feng Shui Metal element. It is needed in the West, Northwest and North area of the house. Implement it in colours white and grey and through a variety of metallic finishes in round shapes, made of metal, of course.
Do try these in your living space to feel the difference!