
Do you sneeze more frequently than before? Are your eyes watering? If yes, you are not the only one since allergies are becoming a growing concern in India. While allergy medications can help relieve from the symptoms, a much effective way to deal with this is to allergy-proof your home, a place you spend most of your time in. When you remove allergens from your house, you are tackling the root cause of the problem.

If you or a family member suffers from allergies, you will want to keep the house free of allergens, whenever possible. Whether you are allergic to dust, pollen, pets, mould or all of the above, it can be hard to know where to begin. But by simply keeping your house clean and making it dust and mould free zone can help in combat allergies, to a great extent. Moreover, it is far easier to control our indoor environment by being mindful of what triggers allergies and living in a cleaner, healthier home.

Here are some tips to combat allergens and create a clean living space:

1. Detox your home

The air inside our homes is said to be two to five times as polluted as the air outside. The climate change and rising carbon dioxide levels have created an environment that makes it more hospitable for mould growth, a major trigger for allergies. Before you start tackling allergens from your house, you need to declutter and detox your home.  Get rid of things you no longer use and regularly clean your living space, ensuring a dust-free and clean environment. Be sure to wipe surfaces with a damp cloth rather than dry dusting, which often just brushes dust back in the air, causing more allergies.

2. Beat mould in the house

Indoor mould is a major cause of allergies. The toxic black mould usually tends to grow in dark, damp spots or just about anywhere nearby a water leakage. The best way to ensure a mould-free house is to ensure there are no leaks in the house. Sometimes the leakage can be invisible, in between tiles or behind a large piece of furniture. Ensure your house is waterproofed thoroughly and there are no fertile walls or surfaces for indoor mould to sprout up. Berger’s Dampstop and Wall Shield 2K effectively deal with problems like dampness, leakages, paint peeling and crack-bridging.

3. Upgrade your vacuum cleaner

Your cleaning could actually be attracting dust mites. If your vacuum cleaner bag is not changed and cleaned properly, it will spew dust everywhere. This can trigger severe allergies and your house could end up with more dust than before, spread across all the areas you just vacuumed. Ensure that the vacuum cleaner filters are cleaned and changeable and always choose a wet cloth wipe over a vacuum for a more thorough cleaning that is guaranteed to get rid of all the dust.

4. Don’t overwater your plants

Indoor plants are great to reduce air pollutants, but if you overwater your plants and keep them in a dark corner, it can actually become a good breeding environment for mould. Ensure your indoor plants get some sunlight every fortnight and you do not overwater your plants.

5. Streamline kids’ spaces

Children’s rooms tend to be the messiest in the house. And if anyone in the house has an allergy problem, having lots of toys— especially soft toys around the house will make things worse. Try to keep toys stored in a clean, dry place. Washing stuffed toys regularly can also help keep dust away. Whenever possible, switch stuffed toys for a more allergen-friendly alternative, like wooden toys.

6. Regularly wash linens in hot water

All linens in the house, including bedding, towels, kitchen linens, curtains etc. should be washed in hot water every fortnight. When shopping for linens, opt for light and natural fabrics.

7. Keep pets out of bedrooms

No matter how much you love your furry family member, if your pets are triggering any allergies, it is best to set some boundaries. Keeping pets in a safe and protected outdoor area is ideal, but if you can’t create a space outside, enforce a no-pets policy in the bedroom. Avoid using thick fabrics around the house that is likely to attract fur and hair and clean your house regularly to reduce the risk of allergies around pets.

8. Take off shoes outside

Your footwear is likely to pick up allergens from outside, including pollen and leaf mould and bring them indoors. Try not to bring your outdoor shoes inside and invest in a good outdoor mat so that you can rub your soles before walking inside.

9. Use paints that are low-maintenance

Paints companies now have formulas that are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring your living environment is clean and well-maintained. When it comes to house painting, look for paint options that are easily washable. Berger’s Easy Clean Fresh abates unpleasant odour around the house and features a unique formula that helps remove spots and stains easily. This ensures your house is clean and does not attract allergens like dust.

10. Check the moisture level of each room

High level of moisture can attract mould. More often than not, water seeps in areas that are not noticeable to the eye and damage the interiors. The damage might go unnoticed initially, resulting in severe leaks and mould damage. It is recommended to consult an expert who will be able to accurately gauge the extent of water damage. Berger Waterproofing experts use Moisture Meter— a device that detects dampness in the ceiling and walls, an effective dampness solution. If the moisture meter is in the range of 6-10, it is recommended to use Berger Waterproof Putty and Seal-O-Prime on the walls. If it is in the range of 11-25, use Berger Wall Shield 2k, Waterproof Putty and Seal-O-Prime. If the range shows 26-30, you will require heavy-duty waterproofing and we recommend Berger Dampstop, Waterproof Putty and Seal-O-Prime. If the range is 30 and over, your walls require immediate attention to ensure a safe living space, use Berger Injection Sealer, Dampstop, Waterproof Putty and Seal-O-Prime. To create an allergens free environment in your house, inspect the moisture level of each room and take necessary steps, wherever needed to ensure you are leaving no scope for any mould to grow in or around the house.

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