We all wish for a home which is safe as well as aesthetic, don’t we? However, as much as we wish for it not to, the flooring and tiles of our homes often get subjected to cracks, chemical spillage, and microbial growth such as fungus and algae that not only weaken the surface, but also mar the overall look of the house. What can one do in such a situation?
Keeping these needs in mind, Berger Paints India has come with a remedy for situations such as these with a product, unlike any other in the market, but which takes care of all the aspects of aesthetics, durability and eco-friendliness for cement and concrete-based floors of your home.
Let’s read some of the issues that you may encounter with regards to your home flooring and tiles and the solutions to each of them.
Scenario 1: Hosting an open-air terrace party but the terrace tiles look hideous due to dampness?
Solution: Damp problems arise due to rain water penetration, condensation or rising damp. It is important to diagnose the cause of dampness and take necessary corrective measures to address the source of the problem. When the diagnosis is wrong, the treatment will fail and the damp issue will remain.
Worry not; Berger’s WeatherCoat Tile Protektor comes to the rescue! Highly water-resistant in nature, it protects tiles from dampness. So, now you can host that party of yours without a thing to worry about and be prepared to ‘wow’ your guests.
Scenario 2: Thinking of fixing your home’s slippery driveway as you are concerned about the safety of your kids and elderly people?
Solution: Driveway is one of the most abused parts of the house. It is always under duress from pedestrian as well as vehicular traffic, which can cause impact and abrasion damage.
You don’t have to worry about it any further as we have got your back! Welcome Berger WeatherCoat Floor Protector! It is a pure acrylic water-based emulsion for both exterior and interior cement and concrete-based floors. It is ideal for interlocking tiles on driveways, offering excellent traction and resistance from slipping. Now, you don’t have to think about your little ones or an elderly person slipping on the driveway of your home and facing any inconvenience. In addition to this, it also improves the appearance of the floor surface with strong protection against impact and abrasives. It is available in a wide range of colours, so you can pick one that suits your taste and complements the aesthetics of your house. What more could you ask for?
Scenario 3: Worried that heavy rainfall will cause growth of fungi and algae on your home’s roof, thereby ruining the look of your home and also causing health problems?
Solution: Fret not! Use Berger’s WeatherCoat Tile Protektor for excellent protection against growth of fungus and algae on roof tiles. You can now breathe easy and keep all respiratory illnesses and allergies that may occur due to such microbial attacks,at bay. Also, it is available in large number of shades to suit your style and preferences.
Scenario 4: Is high moisture in the air causing dampness on the tiles of your home?
Solution: We have got you covered! Opt for Berger’s WeatherCoat Tile Protektor for excellent protection against dampness.So now you can say goodbye to damp tiles!
Scenario 5: Are dull tiles killing the look of your home?
Solution: Don’t let dull tiles come in the way of your happiness and peace of mind. Get ready for a revamp! Opt for Berger’s WeatherCoat Floor Protector. With its soft sheen, this floor protector paint enhances the look of the tiles, making it visually appealing. It is also incredibly hard-wearing with superior durability. It offers a wide range of choice when it comes to colours, which is an added bonus! It is an excellent choice if you are looking for functional tiles that come with a ‘wow’ factor.
Scenario 6: Did you overlook the brick walls in the entrance of your home, which is damp owing to water ingress?
Solution: We are often guilty of focusing only on home decor, whereas in reality, we should also invest equal amount of time and efforts on maintenance and repair work. Most water damage happens discreetly, which is even trickier to gauge. The accumulated moisture can wreck havoc, creating a haven for mold and mildew to thrive, exacerbating respiratory problems for you and your loved ones. Water damage needs to be attended to as soon as such problems are detected.
Don’t worry; we have some good news for you! Damage caused due to water ingress can be disruptive but it can be mitigated and prevented with Berger’s WeatherCoat Tile Protektor – It is highly resistant to water, leading to durable performance even in high rainfall areas, making it ideal for such cases.
Despite keeping a vigilant eye, most of the visual signs associated with flooring and tiling problems may look similar or misleading to the untrained eye. If you are faced with a damaged concrete in your house, it is best to choose professional help than trying to fix it on your own.
Get in touch with Berger Paints India today to tackle all your home flooring and tile problems. Our team of experts will make sure that your house keeps looking its very best for a long time, thereby offering you peace of mind. We are committed to protect your investment in flooring and tiles and restoring its beauty and safety both.
We would be happy to arrange a site visit with our experienced professionals for an assessment and our recommendations to carry out the required remedial measures.We take environment responsibility seriously, which is why all our products are Green Pro Certified, validating our effort in striving towards a cleaner and a more sustainable future.